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S&P Dow Jones Indices Suite

Impact Cubed data in action

Case Study

SDG spotlight:

The SDG-focused indices are designed to offer market participants broad-based equity performance measurements and diverse exposures to companies that are collectively more aligned with the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


products and services revenues that are positively aligned to the SDGs, relative to the benchmark


reduction in carbon emission intensity relative to benchmark

S&P Dow Jones Indices

Recognizing the need for top-quality data, S&P DJI collaborated with Impact Cubed when constructing the S&P 500 SDG Index and S&P Global LargeMidCap SDG Index. 

Impact Cubed provide a holistic set of issuer-level SDG data with 3.5x the granularity of other data providers.  The dataset offers a quantitative, objective view of SDG alignment using a factual outcome and rules-based approach that focuses on actual impact rather than just financial materiality and risk. 

In their educational paper that accompines the SDG indices, S&P DJI outline the advantages of using factual, outcome-based data over scores or ratings.

The majority of ratings look at financial materiality rather than any ESG impact a company has on the world. By leveraging outcome data, S&P DJI were able to ensure alignment with positive SDG outcomes rather than financial materiality.

Why S&P DJI chose Impact Cubed

Kevin Parker - Managing Partner, SICM

Our partnership with Impact Cubed has proven extremely successful in offering clients a rare opportunity to achieve impact in the global public markets. We look forward to working with Impact Cubed to continue offering innovative approaches to ESG investing.

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