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Create precision impact products with less expected risk

Quantify trade-offs in risk, return and impact when assessing investment decisions and creating benchmarks & strategies.

Funds, notes and more

SmartESG portfolio construction

Apply your organisation’s unique ESG objectives and screening criteria and create strategies that surpass industry benchmarks and revolutionise sustainable investing

  • Harnesses the breadth and depth of our datasets to build tailored investment solutions across:

    - Biodiversity

    - SDG alignment

    - Climate

    - 2,300+ product and service classifications

    - Carbon, waste, water

    - Gender equality

    - Plus 100+ more ESG factors

  • Go beyond traditional market indices, creating bespoke benchmarks that reflect your client's or plan member's unique sustainability objectives and risk preferences. Whether it's carving out a low-carbon footprint, enhancing gender diversity, or integrating specific ESG factors, SmartESG offers the flexibility and precision needed for investors to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving market landscape.

    Case Study: Large European Pension Plan


Real world impact

Precision with every choice

3D manager and security selection

View your selection of managers or funds in a 3D space, ensuring the right mix of ESG, risk, and return in every decision.


What makes SmartESG 'Smart'?

Larry, CEO & Aston, Head of Investment Solutions explain how SmartESG works, and how it's able to add more ESG impact for less expected risk.

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